Robin Laub, a Life Stylist

Fab Beauty Finds

As a life stylist, I’m continuously looking for that next best thing. Whether it’s a beauty product, service, or trend, I love them all! Here are three things I’m loving right now…

1) Mascara
I’m always on the lookout for a mascara to make my eyelashes look thicker, more curly, more everything! And I’ve finally found one! Well, for now, that is. Ha! It’s called, They’re Real by Benefit. My make-up artist ranted about this product, so I gave it a try and talk about putting some Wow Into Your Now! This mascara is fabulous! The wand has tiny little bristles that combs through and paints each and every eyelash. It almost appears as though I’m wearing false eyelashes and I’m not. However, I do swear by applying false eyelashes for going to a big party, event or wedding. But for everyday wear, this is perfect! Anything that makes your eyes pop is worth it! Stay tuned for an upcoming video in Season 3 - Robin Laub, Life Stylist for a sneak peek of which false eyelashes are the bomb and how to apply them effortlessly.

2) Beauty App
Ever need a last-minute hairstyle or spa treatment for an event you’re going to TONIGHT? Eek! Well, there’s a new IPhone app called, Beautified that helps you search for open beauty appointments. The only caveat is you have to be in New York City in order for this app to be useful. :/ Hopefully it will catch on and be available in more areas soon! Or…it’s time to catch that next flight to JFK!

3) Hair DO
Looking for a fab new hairstyle? It’s the season of the long bob! It’s choppy, it’s layered, it’s texturized and it’s fun! It looks like you have bedhead, but in a fun and fashionable way. Raise your hand if you want to get chopped! Check out Beauty Black Book to make yourself an appointment!

If you’d like me to discover more new fab finds just for you or have any questions, Just Ask!