Robin Laub, a Life Stylist

Tailor this!

With all of the projects I help my clients with, my passion for style really comes in handy. None of my projects are alike; they are all orchestrated in a one-of-a-kind manner. For instance, when I work with a client on a wardrobe consulting job, I take care in making sure that any outfit that can be altered, gets altered. Whether it’s a ball gown or a business suit, my goal is to make it look fabulous with tailoring.

A tailored look is always IN! Whether you need to take something in or out, shorten a hem or add some length, having a great tailor is highly recommended. Tailored clothes are made to match your exact measurements so they fit better. It’s truly the secret to great fitting clothes!

During my wardrobe consultations, my personal tailor joins me with my client and together we create the perfect look for that individual. I believe alterations can give you that extra umpf of confidence and up your fashion game.

It can be an expensive route, but if you do a little by little, it’s well worth it. Over the years, I have slowly gone through my entire closet and I’m inching my way along as I have my tailor form fit my favorite pieces to my body. It’s the way to go if you want to look your very best in every outfit that you have. Just think of all of the clothing in your closet just sitting there because they don’t fit you how you’d like them to. With tailoring it’s like getting an entirely new wardrobe!

To me tailoring is like writing…shorten and stylize. What I mean in writing terms is, write less and style your text! In wardrobe terms, alter your outfit and increase your style!

Would you like some wardrobe or tailoring advice? Just ask!

Try it! Tailor it! Love it!