Robin Laub, a Life Stylist

5 Fun Items for a Care Package!

So, your kids are off to college or boarding school? Studying abroad? Your loved one started a new job? Your dear friends moved to a new town? Whatever the occasion, it’s the perfect time to send them a care package!

Who doesn’t like to receive surprise packages in the mail? Or hand delivered from that cute UPS man? Ha! Here are my top 5 “go-to” care package essentials:

1. Homemade brownies

Make sure they are under baked by 5 minutes according to your favorite brownie recipe to capture that gooey texture! It’s imperative you bake them in a square 9”x9” Magic Line pan. And don’t forget to top the brownies with milk chocolate morsels! Delish.

2. A favorite meal

Yes, you can make their favorite meatballs and sauce, freeze them and mail them ASAP. Federal Express has never been more worth it! I usually prepare this when I can’t be with someone I love on his or her birthday.

3. Homemade cookies

Any kind will do as long as they are homemade – it shows how much you truly care! Use a Silpat for flawless (not flourless) perfection. This is a favorite baking tool of mine.

4. A party in a box

Special birthday, anniversary, new baby or new home? Include horn blowers, balloons (not blown up! Hee hee), confetti, candy, candles, festive paper plates, cups and napkins, streamers, and a sweet, thoughtful card.

5. Anything from Walgreens, Target or a favorite convenience store

Here is where I go down every aisle with the person in mind who will be receiving this package and plop things into my cart. From lip-gloss, to gift cards, to munchies, to magazines. You name it, it goes in the box!

When putting together care packages, don’t forget to pick up several medium flat rate boxes at your local post office or at FedEx. Keep a few extras stored away at your house for when the moment arises for you to send a surprise. UPS and DHL are also great for international mailings.

These surprise packages will brighten up anyone’s end of summer blues or anytime throughout the entire year. Simply remind yourself by scheduling these mailings on your calendar every 3-6 months or as often you feel like caring. :)

Need help shopping and putting together a care package? I can help you prepare the most creative one-of-a-kind care packages so you don’t have to worry about a thing. Just ask!
