Robin Laub, a Life Stylist

A Touch of Branch

With the holidays just around the bend, it’s time to start thinking about dramatic floral arrangements to help set a festive tone.

There are many decorative ways to fill a vase, whether it’s with flowers, greenery or even a branch or two. Here are my tips for a successful creation:

  1. Consider how big or small of an arrangement you’d like to decorate each room with. Believe it or not, large arrangements placed in a small room can make the space look bigger.
  2. Choose colors of the flowers that will accent each individual room.
  3. When you have chosen the desired type of flower, add in some leafy greenery and branches that are 2 feet tall to make the arrangement look dramatic.
  4. What I think is ingenious is mixing and matching fresh flowers with silk flowers and greenery.
  5. To make a big impact, choose some greenery with large, oversize leaves.
  6. I like tall and airy arrangements. The taller the better. Again, take into consideration the size of the room.
  7. As for containers, be creative. I tend to like ceramic, colorful vases; especially those holding silk flowers and branches that might show unwanted blemishes that you’d like to hide.
  8. Glass vases are a great visual for displaying filler rocks, which keep unwieldy floral arrangements in place.
  9. One of my favorite arrangements for a big butcher block table is a square clear glass vase filled to the brim with Dahlias, some Iris’, Clematis, large Willow branches and some Ruscus. It will put some Wow into your Now!
  10. Take a floral arrangement class to learn the new trends of the season or get a refresher on the basics.
  11. Remember to package silk floral arrangements carefully in tissue paper or even in bubble wrap should you like to store them for the next holiday season.
  12. Hire me to create a lasting silk or fresh floral arrangement that you can enjoy every holiday. All you have to do is click Just Ask! to contact me. I’ll work with you to determine your exact needs based on your own personal style.

Enjoy your time creating! If you have any floral design questions I’m always here to help. Just Ask!